At Skylark Therapies, I believe in the transformative power of clinical massage, myofascial release and movement techniques to help manage pain, improve scar tissue or to simply help you relax.
Tailored to your unique needs
Everyone who comes to see me has different reasons for doing so, which is why I take a personalised approach to your care. I'll listen to how your pain, scar or stress impacts on you and your life. We'll chat about your day to day movements/postures, your restrictions and relevant medical history. We'll also discuss what you're looking for from treatment, what you think a 'better you' is and how we can get you there...that's me and you working together!
What are my treatments?
As I customise all of my treatments, I don't have a traditional menu of different therapies on offer. A treatment could include any of the following:
Clinical massage
A form of massage therapy that goes beyond relaxation and focuses on addressing specific medical conditions, injuries, or musculoskeletal issues. It's deep tissue work with a difference.
Scar therapy
An approach to manual therapy to treatment of and rehabilitate old and new scars. This technique aims to improve the mobility, flexibility, and overall health of scar tissue through gentle and precise manual manipulation.
Myofascial release
A therapeutic technique to address and treat the body's fascia; the connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles, bones, and organs. Fascia is a bit like a 3D web that holds everything in your body together.
Fascial decompression
Also known as cupping therapy, it uses suction cups to create a negative pressure on the skin's surface to lift and separates the layers of fascia from underlying muscles and structures.
Body realignment
A holistic therapeutic approach that restores balance and alignment throughout the body by addressing the interconnectedness of muscles, joints, and other structures.
An an integral component of therapy sessions, it involves gently elongating muscles and surrounding soft tissues to improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and promote relaxation.
Pain management
Pain is something we all experience at times in our lives. Mostly it's short-lived and manageable but sometimes can linger, build and take over.
It presents itself in many ways but is always individual to the person experiencing it. Living with chronic pain can affect your work, family and social life and can lead to anxiety, depression and troublesome sleep.
If you’re in chronic pain, it’s likely you’ll feel one or more of these:
changes physically, emotionally and mentally
tiredness and poor quality sleep
reduced interest in sport, exercise and hobbies
increased awareness of pain and discomfort
different to how you used to be
All of these are unpleasant and debilitating but with treatment and guidance you can regain control and get back to your old self.
My techniques work into the surface and deeper layers of your tissue and can at times be very deep. Treatment is always within your comfort levels, paying attention to your breath throughout, so you should remained relaxed and in control throughout. Working slowly allows your body to accept and work with my movements.
Treatment can be given in loose fitted clothing.
So you get the most benefit from my treatments, I offer package deals to address your pain at a more affordable rate and prevent it from re-occurring. We'll build awareness of your body, movements and postures and create new and simple habits.
Scar therapy
Scars are a natural part of your body’s healing process. Often occurring as a result of accidents, injuries or surgery, they can heal in different ways. Mostly scars don't cause any obvious issues once healed, but sometimes they can be problematic, painful and even life changing.
Scars not only change the visible appearance of your skin, they can cause numerous physical and emotional effects, including:
Tightness around the scar or elsewhere on your body
Restricted mobility
Pain, sensitivity, itching, discomfort
Negative feelings about your body
My treatment focuses on working into the underlying layers of your scar to stimulate the fascia (connective tissue) and loosen adhesions (stuck tissue) around your scar. This can help improve how your scar looks, feels and functions.
Scar work is rarely painful as I will consider and adjust my work throughout the treatment in response to your comfort levels. You'll find it's mostly relaxing, light work but can it can be uncomfortable with some deeper fascial moves used to get your adhesions shifted.
It's worth noting that some scars are less responsive than others and may require more or different treatments. Generally older and complex scars will need longer to improve. Keloid scars may also not respond quickly to treatment.
So you get the most benefit from my treatments, I offer package deals to help improve your scar tissue at a more affordable rate. We'll also build awareness of your body, movements and postures and create new and simple habits to keep those adhesions away.